lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014


Hello!! We are learning about different types of animals. I have found some exercises for all cycles. The three first exercises are for first and maybe second cycle, but you can try the others if you want ;)

Hope you enjoy them!


¡Hola! Estamos aprendiendo cosas sobre los diferentes tipos de animales. He encontrado algunos ejercicios para todos los ciclos. Los tres primeros son para primero y tal vez segundo ciclo, pero podéis intentarlos todos si queréis. ¡Espero que os gusten!

Infants and first cycle

English for little children


Memory challenge

funny-animal-meme-pictures-012-016.jpg (960×639)

Second and third cycle 

Five groups of vertebrates

Sorting animals

Identify mammals

Kinds of animals

What do animals eat?


Animals in danger

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